'The Virtuous Women'

My days are occupied since my hubby is back in town. I am happily serving God and enjoying my work as a help mate to my husband. Also, am enjoying a few tasks handed over by my church to be completed before opening of our 4th branch church in Bangsar, which will be called "Bethesda Prayer House"on 12/11/11. All of us are excited couple with end of the year revival programme which will tentatively start from 1/11 till 6/11 and the most awaited for event a women's conference on 11/11/11.
Wow, we are shining with God's powerful light and winning souls for the Kingdom. God have been blessing us with wonderful new members for the churches each week and nourishing us with strong prophetic prayers throughout the month. Thank you Jesus for making us special in your eyes!
And thanks for linking up...