Good morning September!

September is the 9th month in this year. We have entered a month of blessings and testimonies to the glory of God. All i need to do is always remember to give thanks to my GOD and praise HIM for all good things He have done and planned ahead for us. Our church rejoiced with several testimonies by members who have seen in dreams,visions and encountered positive and negative sides throughout last month of August being a fasting and praying period for the church.
My church pastor emphasized that we should be concentrating on Genesis 1:31 for this month of September as it is written 'very very good' in all things concerning our lives.
I gave my testimony and quoted my Father's book Psalm 66:20..
Blessed be God,
Who has not turned away my prayer,
Nor His mercy from me!

Indeed, it has been much grace from above and all glory due for Him will always be rendered to my master. Thank you Jesus..
we give GOD the utmost joy and praises and will continue to be his vessel in now and in future to evangelize souls to be delivered and saved from succumbing to evil agendas of the world.


Shanda said…
I have tried to start thanking God for everything: even the things that I don't like nor see a good reason for...but receive them as a blessing because He knows the good that will come out of everything. It has definitely helped my outlook!
Shelly said…
Yes,I am also learning to be thankful for all things, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Blessings to you today! :)
Yes, I do believe that all things are good in God. Sometimes it's hard to keep that faith centered when in the midst of a hard road, but with his grace I try to keep focused on his goodness and love!
@michele,shelly n shanda : God will continue to see u all through and be a blessing for others too..:) thank u.
Deborah Ann said…
Amen to that! Gratefulness always seems to be the answer to lift me when I need cheering up.

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