Dreaming It...republished
It was early Friday morning, it was in my dream, where my friend Maria and I were rushing to a bridal shop. Both of us are already in white bridal gowns and we are about to get a perfect make up for our day that early morning. In the dream, Maria was saying she wants her theme colors to be maroon from lipstick color to flowers and myself opt for pink. wow..our hearts were happy and excited at that very moment in my dream. A while after, I woke up from my dream, I did my ablution and prayed. I left for work and met up with Maria before noon. She has been fasting that morning and said lets go to church. We drove to an old chapel of Our Lady of Good Health. As i stepped into the chapel, i saw a lady praying, a man and a boy arranging flowers near the altar. Maria and I sat and prayed silently. We took the holy water and thanked God for leading us the rightful ways always and to bless our health. I was asking Maria if there are any special occasions this weekend for Catholics. She just looked at the people decorating the altar. We bowed and about to leave the chapel, when we saw the marriage stands for bride and groom was placed before the altar. Wow, i felt happiness in my heart. At that moment, i recalled the dream i had that very morning to Maria. Jokingly said we are brides to Jesus as we left the chapel feeling a moment full of hope and love. Thank you Holy God.
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