Armour of GOD

Today is the 1st of July 2011. I am starting this month with a spiritual warfare wearing the Armour of God. Combat moments are here and I am preparing myself from today to be strong in prayers against negative influences,talks,thoughts,sights or anything representing the evil notions in my life. Prayers to save souls, hopes, dreams, future and nations! Prayers to stay strong and of good courage. Prayers to shake the kingdom of heavens so it will and must be answered. Firstly, i truly Thank God for giving me the strength and boldness to go on winning the war!
I need spiritual guidelines and will learn from spiritual leaders and prayer warriors.
Fasten the belt of truth around your loins and stand firm in the word of God. God's Word is truth. Christians need to know the truth. We put on the belt as we learn God's truth. Wherefore, take courage in face of trials and difficulties that come against you and hold your ground (1 Peter 1:13; John 8:32).
Be sober and put on the breastplate of righteousness. We are called to be holy and righteous (Ephesians 4:24; 1 John 3:7).
Have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Be at peace with all men and be in readiness to preach the good news of peace (Romans 5:1; John 16:33).
Use the shield of faith as a protection from the fiery darts of the enemy. We are to live by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Romans 1:17).
Put on the helmet of salvation. Jesus is our eternal salvation (Acts 4:12; Hebrews 5:9).
Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Study the Word of God and apply it to your daily life. The Word is our defense and our protection. It will drive back the enemy (Satan) and he'll have to flee (Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:15).
May God bless you as you focus on the armor He has given us.