A Prayer

O Lord, Almighty God and heavenly Father, even as Thou hast created us and given us life and placed us upon this earth to labor in trouble and sorrow until we return again to the dust from which we are taken, so hast Thou set the measure of our days that we may fear Thee and love Thee and serve Thee with our whole hearts. In Thy Fatherly goodness, Thou hast ordained the day for labor and the night for rest. So have we been refreshed by this night´s repose which Thou hast so graciously bestowed upon us, and we praise Thee from the depths of our hearts for Thy watchfulness and care.
Heavenly Father, we confess that we have not always heeded Thy loving kindness, but have misused Thy gifts, disobeyed Thy commandments, and neglected our duties. With words, deeds, and thoughts we have sinned against Thee. For this, O Lord, we humbly pray Thy forgiveness, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son.
O Heavenly Father, Thou hast granted us a new day. Help us to receive it as a gift of Thy grace. Teach us the reason why Thou maketh Thy sun to shine upon us, that we may live each day according to Thy will, prepared for that approaching eternal Day.
We pray, O Holy Father, that we might leave behind the night of sin and guilt and ever walk in the shining light of Thy wonderous grace, and cast off the works of darkness, put on the armor of light, and walk honestly as in the day.
Thou God of mercy, surround us with the light of Thy honor and glory. Thine eyes are flames of fire and every thought is known to Thee. We know that Thou rewardest good and punisheth evil, and therfore pray for grace to live each day in praise of Thee.
O Holy Father, even as Thou hast loved us, we pray that in love we might obey Thee. And being conscious of Thy great love toward us, we ask Thee to help us love our neighbor as ourselves. Keep us from anything that would mar this love, yea, that we might always deal honestly with our fellowmen.
Enable us to use Thy manifold blessings with moderation. Grant our hearts wisdom to avoid excess in eating and drinking and in the cares of this life. Teach us to put our trust in Thee, and to await Thy helping hand.
Give us a meek and contrite spirit, a penitent heart and true humility, yea, a hunger and thirst for Thy righteousness.
Grant us this day a pure heart, O God, to come before Thee. O Thou God and Father of Love and peace, give us Thy everlasting peace and favor that we may always prove ourselves a peace-loving people, shunning all anger and malice. And give us patience to cheerfully endure any misfortune or sorrow which Thou permittest, whether a cross or tribulation, shame or suffering. O Lord, our God and Creator, direct our lives accordng to Thy holy will. Into Thy hands, O God, we commit ourselves, body and soul, and all our loved ones; keep us always in Thy will. We ask Thy blessing for all mankind, especially upon those of the household of faith, wherever they may be scattered. We pray for those who would persecurçte and use us wrongfully. Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do.
We pray for the ministers of Thy church, for kings and for all that are in authority, and for all others for whom we ought to pray. O Lord, may they all receive and become partakers of Thy comfort and grace.
For this we pray, O holy Father, in the name of Thy beloved Son Jesus Christ, who has promised that Thou wilt hear us if we pray to Thee in His holy name, with devout and believing hearts. Our Father which art in heaven...
Thy loving countenance, O Lord, be over us by day and by night. Keep us beneath the shadow of Thy wings. Inspire, direct and bless us in all things, to Thy honor and glory.